Michele Mušković


Michele Mušković joined the team of the Korotaj Law Office in 2019. He obtained a master’s degree in law by graduating with the status of an extremely successful student at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb in 2014. He will continue his education in 2018 by enrolling in the Postgraduate Study of Financial Law of Companies at the Faculty of Law, University of Rijeka.

After initially working in a law firm, Michele gained his professional experience in the field of business working in the legal business of Aminess hotels & campsites, where in addition to the legal segment of corporate business, he also worked on projects in the field of human resources and investments. Working in a growing tourism company enabled him to acquire knowledge in the field of company law, commercial law, financial law, tax law, contract law, labor law, as well as familiarity with corporate culture and organization and how to manage and manage projects.

Legal areas and activities of his special interest are transactions involving acquisitions and sales of companies, business transfer and takeover transactions, intergenerational business transfer and inheritance, due diligence, company status changes, joint ventures, investment projects and construction, financial law and tax law.

Education: mag.iur. (Graduate degree in Law), Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb

E-mail: michele.muskovic@korotaj.com

Languages spoken: Croatian, English, Italian

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